Archive for June, 2011

June 8, 2011

How much tweeting is too much?

So, piggy backing off of all of the controversy, brought to you by, well, the one guy who tweeted the totally inappropriate pictures.. oh yeah, Rep. Anthony Wiener.

I feel like everything I read lately encourages social media users to USE THEIR HEAD when it comes to what they post online, however, based on things like this scandal, and some of the posts my young adult friends put online, some people are simply forgetting what that what they post online, doesn’t go away because of the delete button. People are updated on what you’re doing in real time. Chances are someone saw it before you deleted…

Its ironic that, just a day before this scandal came out, I read an article, on cosmopolitan’s website, of all places, discussing the 7 signs you’re tweeting too much (article is below, and its hysterical… refer to number one!)

But this primarily women’s magazine has some great points.

1. What you post online is always there
2. Not every thought that crosses your mind is a brilliant one

However, I feel people neglect their full twitter potential. Instead of using it to connect to professionals, network and enhance career opportunities, they use it to update how much they drink, what their eating, and how much they hate their jobs. Who wants to hire that person.

Don’t get me wrong, I use twitter for fun things, and to follow an obnoxious celeb or two 😉 however, it is full of so much more potential, and I would love to see more young adults use it to further their career, or even their cultural awareness…