
I’m a senior Hospitality and Restaurant Administration major at Missouri State University. I graduate in may and I’m ready for the real world.

I have a lot of experience in leadership, working on committees, being in charge of committees, event and retreat planning and writing. I also have a huge interest in anything to do with networking, particularly when it comes to social media. I am a conisuer of information pertaining to all things related to my future, graduation and job searching, which is a large part why I started this blog.

Some of my career aspirations are:
Casino Operations, Travel Directing and Touring, Retreat and Event Planning for Corporations and Leadership presentations.

A little about me personally:

I love:
reading, art, decorating, cooking, being grammatically correct, coffee, event planning, being too busy, cities, anything that sparkles, my sorority, social media, jewelry, and working.

I don’t love as much:
capital letters, bills, and friday morning classes.

If you want to get to know me better, subscribe, stick around, read some more. I have some good tips and advice to offer, and I’m sure a funny story or two will pop up eventually.

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